Dr. Castile Colbert Jr
Head Pastor
Dr. Castile Colbert Jr. has served as the pastor and founder of The Gospel of Jesus Christ Church of Beaumont, Texas since 1991. With over 33 years of full gospel ministry; he has the anointing to preach and teach the infallible Word of God. He ministered as an Evangelist in the jail ministry for 9 years as an Associate Pastor. He received a Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology in 2009, and is a member of the Beaumont Area Pastor Counsel. He is also a recognized member of The Clergy and Police Partnership (CAPP). Through the Deliverance Ministry, it has been Dr. Colbert Jr.’s dream to see everyone walking in the freedom and liberation of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Minister Vanessa Colbert
First Lady

Pastor Greg Mouton
Assistant Pastor